About us


professional • native • specialised


We are proud of our carefully selected network of translators. We know each one personally, allowing us a clear understanding of who to assign to which topic. Our translators are committed to mastering the special challenges posed by audio texts.

Professionalism & quality

Along with extensive training, being a native speaker is a basic prerequisite for working as a soundgarden translator. It is also important to us that our translators have enough courage to move away from the source text wherever required. This is the only way for a translation to provide the necessary fluency and account for the subtle differences between two cultures.

Coordination & interface

We operate as the interface between a museum and translator, ensuring that the latter is provided with all the required background information – be it images, floorplans or additional texts.
The finished translation is then submitted to you for review and approval before the text moves forward to our recording studio.